Connecting with the Vanguard mission
Meet Tiamoy W. She learned about Vanguard at a job fair and shortly after launched her career in Client Services. “I think what excites me the most is getting on the phone and knowing that you’re going to change someone’s life.”
Watch her full story below:
Meet Tiamoy, Client Services Associate
What I did was I went to a job fair. I met Vanguard there. I spoke with a few of the representatives that came. I learned a little bit more about what they do, but really what really captivated me was their mission statement. Just taking a stand for all investors, the entire industry. And just seeing that the company stood for something very strong, I definitely connected with that immediately.
I think what excites me the most is getting on the phone and knowing that you're going to change someone's life. Whether it be to reset a password to help them navigate their investments or just teaching them the basics about investing and how they can make those decisions, that is definitely something that excites me about coming to work every day.
I can certainly see myself staying at Vanguard long term. The reason why is definitely going to be drawn back to the mission here. I have been exposed to several other departments, not only myself and personal investor, but seeing how that mission carries through and maybe strategic support or over in international. It's very transparent in every single department and that shows me that we are living and breathing that mission every day.
So I got the opportunity to train some of the new hires very early in my tenure. Taking everything that I learned that I acquired and giving that to someone else and seeing how appreciative they are and how much of an impact it was to their experience and to their entrance into Vanguard. And not only am I impacting clients on my end and being very consistent with the service that I provide, but I'm able to impact others to do just the same.
People are very warm, they're very friendly, and not only do I feel like I'm just coming to work every day, but it feels like I'm coming into family. I feel like I'm coming into a place where I'm received very well. People are supportive of me, supportive of the things that I want to achieve. Think about those things that are not necessarily tangible, something that you can't necessarily look on paper and see from an employer that you can certainly get here at Vanguard. And the culture definitely shines through.